New Sighting Scope

No Telerad, But Celestron Star Pointer Pro

Well I have been on the hunt for awhile for the Telerad system. However I did read a couple of reviews regarding the attachment to the scope. This slightly put me off and another review stated that he bought the telerad system but preferred the Celestron Star Pointer Pro.

What clinched the deal was there was one on Amazon that had been returned and therefore cheaper due to packaging.

When it arrived on saturday I couldn't get it to work :-( . However I did gave some spare batteries ( Button Type - CR2032 - same as my car keys) and tried that in. Yay it now works. So eagerly I attached it to the scope and set about the alignment. Nope. Could not connect to wifi of the scope. Or to be more precise, the phone connected, but the bloody software said NO. Tried switching it off and on again, tried the small switch to see if that had been moved, Restarted the phone and then gave in.

So on Sunday I did a little research. To cut a long story short. I had set the wifi connection to connect automatically. I had been switching my home wifi off and the phone would then connect to the scope no problem. But this was the problem. The phone connects to the scope wifi but then releases the scope wifi as it does not have any internet. So although you see in the internet settings that it is connected , its not. The fix. Remove the auto connection. I did this by simply selecting Forget' this wifi. When you next power up the scope the wifi signal comes on, you select this and you get a prompt ( must have had this when I first powered on) that you have no internet, do you wish to connect. Obviously the answer is yes. Thats it, connected. Then when weather was slightly kinder I set the scope up with the star pointer. All was good. Just waiting for the cloud to clear. Tonight is supposed to be the Blue Moon, Yet weather is set to be Thundery. Next Super Blue Moon 2037

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