Welcome To My Little Astronomy Page

First and Foremost My Equipment

Well the Bresser telescope has gone. Useless. Trying to keep the phone balanced while also trying to line up with the sun, never mind a planet was simply not achievable . So now purchased a solarscope plus the Dwarf II system and Celestron Astro Fi 5 inch for Planetary viewing. Binoculars - Tripod mounted Celestron 20x80 with camera adaptor. Next was the main and most expensive telescope I have ever purchased. The Unistellar Evscope eQuinox, which has also now gone. Great scope but not very portable. Basically my ‘back garden’ has a street light and although the scope copes with light pollution, I did not feel comfortable taking it out to Dartmoor. So. What next. Well I have found a great deal from Parks Cameras for a Dwarf II. I know a new one is due out, but the II does everything I want to do with it, plus more. Dwarf II So what else is new, as off July 2024. Well my blog has now returned and the Gallery has been deleted with new photos added.


Strictly an Amateur
UPDATE Dwarf II Photo of the Sun on a cloudy day. Managed to get this in within 5 minutes. A little about the system from DwarfLab. DWARF II - the world's most portable smart telescope controlled by the mobile app DWARFLAB. Capture the breathtaking cosmic photos by yourself with hassle-free setups. Or Watch birds feeding and playing. From Me its a light, easy to set up wonder scope.

Plymouth Astronomy

Located in Plymouth UK Devon
Astronomers have discovered 12 additional moons orbiting Jupiter. That means Jupiter now has a total of 92 moons, more than any other planet in our solar system. Dwarf III Telescope announced

Please Note

This is strictly an amateur site.

Please don’t get all judgemental regarding typo’s or lack of in depth knowledge. I am an amateur who just enjoys looking up.

Contact Me

By Email By Twitter @PlymouthAstron1
© Plymouth Astronomy Unless otherwise mentioned
Images taken by me with Evscope Equinox, Dwarf II and Celestron Astro Fi 5”
Strictly an Amateur
© Plymouth Astronomy Unless otherwise mentioned

Welcome To My

Little Astronomy


First and Foremost My


Well the Bresser telescope has gone. Useless. Trying to keep the phone balanced while also trying to line up with the sun, never mind a planet was simply not achievable . So now purchased a solarscope plus the Dwarf II system and Celestron Astro Fi 5 inch for Planetary viewing. Binoculars - Tripod mounted Celestron 20x80 with camera adaptor. Next was the main and most expensive telescope I have ever purchased. The Unistellar Evscope eQuinox, which has also now gone. Great scope but not very portable. Basically my ‘back garden’ has a street light and although the scope copes with light pollution, I did not feel comfortable taking it out to Dartmoor. So. What next. Well I have found a great deal from Parks Cameras for a Dwarf II. I know a new one is due out, but the II does everything I want to do with it, plus more. Dwarf II So what else is new, as off July 2024. Well my blog has now returned and the Gallery has been deleted with new photos added.
Plymouth Astronomy

This is strictly an amateur site.

Please don’t get all judgemental regarding typo’s or lack of in depth knowledge. I am an amateur who just enjoys looking up. After failing to get any good photos of sun activity using the Bresser and mobile phone I have given up and given the scope to my granddaughter. Now purchased a solarscope and the dwarf system.

Plymouth Astronomy

Located in Plymouth UK Devon

Contact Me

By Email By Twitter @PlymouthAstron1

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